Ways to convey honesty through your website

Most of us will go online to find a product or service that we want but do how do we judge who to make contact with or to buy from. In this digital age, a website acts as the face of the business, providing us with an impression of what they want us to believe. But who are the people behind that online veneer? Are they actually who they say they are, or are they bogus? Is that product or service they are offering really as good as they claim? Are we just being swayed by the glossy web design they are showing us?

Trying to convince visitors to your website that you actually are an honest and credible company isn’t as difficult as you may think. Yes, having a smart, professional, modern web design shows that you care about your online presence, and how people perceive you; but that’s only just one way to do it. In this article we give you some 6 valuable methods you could use on your website to get visitors to believe in you. What have you got to lose?

1: Show you are being serious

Perhaps you had your website designed on a budget several years ago and now it’s looking rather old and tired. Perhaps your company logo has changed, but your website still shows the old version. Or maybe, it’s been many months or years since you updated your website content, and outdated information is showing. All these scream out to visitors ‘I don’t take my website seriously’ and ‘I don’t care what visitors see’. Enough said – the damage is done. Visitors will turn heel and run!

2: Show you are secure to visit and do business with

If you want your website visitors to…

  • subscribe to your e-newsletter
  • complete an online form with their contact information
  • tap in their credit card details and home address to buy something

then you need to provide a secure environment for them to do so. All websites should now have an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate in place – you can check this to the left of a website’s URL using the button ‘View Site Information’ which shows if a website is secure. SSL ensures the encryption of any data being communicated between the browser and a website’s server. Additionally, if your website takes card payments, you must use a third-party payment processing provider to undertake this for you.

3: Show who you are

Many visitors to your website will want to see who you are – the actually faces behind the gloss of the website façade and words. They will want to feel some kind of connection, especially so if you are offering any kind of personal services – health, medical, legal etc. Don’t be tempted to use generic library stock images – use real photos of you and your team. Providing personal bios too for each team member is well worth the effort and will further assist in showing your business’s credibility. Building a genuine connection with visitors is essential if you want them call you or fill in that contact form.

4: Showcase what you offer

Great text content is essential, but needs to be backed up with high quality images of what you offer e.g. the products you specialize in, your treatment rooms, offices etc. Your website is your online brochure: there to show the best of you and convince people why they should do business with you. Why not think of incorporating short videos that provide visitors with a closer look at various aspects of your products or offices. Videos are probably one of the most effective ways to quickly inform visitors about you and gain their interest and win their trust.

5: Show the difference you make

Just what makes your business stand out form crowd? Why should people choose to contact you? Your website is the place to shine out like the brightest star. Make sure that you display some of your customer reviews and links to external review sites, any industry awards you have been awarded. A testimonial section of your website is always a place where visitor stop by, as is a case studies section. Why not even think of using a ‘Before and After’ section showing how you helped other customers?

6: Show that you care

Give your website the human touch and let visitors know that your business cares, contributes and is ethical. Highlight any efforts your company makes towards sustainability and social responsibility. Where your business is involved in community projects or charitable causes, share that good news on your website too. Demonstrating a commitment to social causes, that you are serious in giving back to society, will certainly enhance your reputation.

Closing thoughts…

Your website is the shop window of your business. Why should people walk through the door and see what you have to offer, and why should they choose to do business with you? The above ideas will most certainly help to attract more attention to your business, but don’t also forget that all website content needs to be kept up to date regularly.

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