Minimalist web design still going strong

Back last Summer, I wrote a Blog article on minimalist web design, and how more and more businesses are choosing that design approach for their own websites. I think it’s a good time to revisit this topic, because this design trend continues, and perhaps this article will give you some ideas for your own new website.

So what is minimalist web design? In a nutshell, it’s a website that has been designed without all the graphical clutter and information overload. The website has been designed specifically with the visitor in mind. It quickly puts the visitor in control of their own browsing experience, which of course encourages them to stay longer on the website.

There are many techniques that can be employed to help put visitors in control of their browsing experience. For example, keeping the website navigation simple by limiting the choice of ‘what to do’ and ‘where to go’ at every stage. This helps the visitor quickly make a choice, and guides them quickly to the information they seek.

Many successful minimalist website designs also use a lot of ‘white’. It’s often referred to as ‘white space’ and, although that sounds incredibly boring, it’s also incredibly effective in focusing the attention of visitors. Again the reason for using white space is to help visitors to quickly make choices on where they go within the website.

Check out our on-line portfolio, and you will see a number of clients have chosen to go the more minimalist design route.

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